A Message

Dear Family Member

We understand that life may have suddenly taken an uncharted path for you.  As parents of children with disabilities ourselves, we can empathize with the doubt, uncertainty and confusion that might fill this time in your life.  You may have many questions that, even when answered, lead to more and more questions.  We’ve all been there.  We’ve longed for someone to have “written the book” on it.  And while the resources found here will not solve all the struggles you’re facing, they are filled with information that we, as parents, wished we’d known sooner so that we could better support our children in a more informed way.

As you learn to celebrate the small steps, but not sweat the small stuff, we’d like to help you get there, in any small way we can.

We wish you the very best.

Fast Facts

In these Fast Facts, you’ll find introductory information on just about every child-serving system that supports children with disabilities and their families: what the service or program is, eligibility requirements, how to access it, and what to do if you encounter obstacles along the way.  You’ll also find information on advocacy organizations that will get you through some rough patches by providing answers to your questions, referral information, and direct advocacy support.

Workbook for Families

The Imagine Different…Achieve Different Workbooks help users imagine and achieve supported family life as an alternative to congregate care.  The Workbook for Families is an invitation to families of children with developmental disabilities who are living in congregate care facilities to imagine the possibility of family life and achieve it.  It offers families a chance to look at different services and supports, or to look at services and supports differently.

Training Videos

Additional Resources

The Unplanned Journey

When You Learn That Your Child Has a Disability: https://www.parentcenterhub.org/journey/

Disability Rights Pennsylvania: https://www.disabilityrightspa.org/

Disability Rights Pennsylvania protects and advocates for rights of people with disabilities so that they may live the lives they choose, free from abuse, neglect, discrimination, and segregation.

The PEAL Center: https://www.pealcenter.org/

The PEAL Center educates and empowers families to ensure that children, youth and young adults with disabilities and special health care needs lead rich, active lives as full members of their schools and communities.

The Pennsylvania Health Law Project: https://www.phlp.org/

The Pennsylvania Health Law Project (PHLP) protects and advances health care rights through free legal services, community education, and systemic advocacy.